Wednesday, 19 March 2014


There may be a way for me to get a passport sent out here without me having to go home. I'm very thankful that I'm staying with a diplomat. He's given me a lot of advice on diplomatic law and these's options seem viable... so I'm going to try at least! I really don't like the idea of flying home to get one. Not only because of the cost issue but also because it would feel like the trip would be broken up in a way. Turning around and riding home does seem very appealing. Anything which includes riding my bike through countries does! But I did come here to ride a moped to South Africa, and I'm going to try my up most to do this until the very end! It would mean that I have to stay in Accra for at least 4 weeks, but Will doesn't have a problem with me staying. I think a break is something that I need also. A time to relax from all the stress is very welcome. We'll see what happens. I'm hopeful that it would work, but if it doesn't then I will turn around. And if I do end up having to stay here for 4 weeks it will give me time to get some things on my bike sorted out; new battery, off road tyres etc. I split up with Stergio when I first entered Ghana as I wanted to travel alone for a while but I would really like to go through the Congo with company. I think I could catch him and Steven up in the time. We'll see what happens. If this fails then there are still other options...

Thanks to everyone who have sent me messages, I really appreciate them. Even though I have no idea what most of you look like I would like the opportunity to meet everyone at some point and shake your hand.

This place is a challenge... and it really has been, in every way. This is what I came for, but I'm surprised at the things that I've found challenging. Roughing it in the wild is something that I relish. Been confronted with constant breakdowns and borderline bureaucratic insanity is something I do not. But I'm still going to push on to the end.

In the meantime I'm going to enjoy living in a comfortable place with a pool and try and put on some much needed weight!


  1. Thanks to everyone who have sent me messages, I really appreciate them. Even though I have no idea what most of you look like??
    Have you been taking to must sun Liam? I know you have been away for six months, but come on, I know we sound like Gods!! But speaking for my self I sort of a 'Homo Erectus' 5' 8" tall and my knuckles do not drag along the floor... :-) Enjoy your stay, and please for Gods sake stop calling it a moped...It is a Honda C effing 90..:-)))))

    1. I meant that in a way that although I've never met most of the people who send me messages I consider them as friends, that's all.

      Its an in between bike though isn't it... not legally a motorcycle and not legally a moped, according to the DVLA anyway! I like calling it a moped, its takes it even further away from a BMW GS 1200, which is a very good thing! The debate is out...

  2. Hi Liam, to be honest I have called my wee Honda a lot worse than a moped :-)

    Regarding the DVLA in the V5..My Honda 107cc C90 it reads.
    body type 'Motorcycle'
    Taxation class 'Bicycle' ?

    I did laugh when you said it takes it further away from a GS? You are on a much better machine than just about any other..

    This has nothing to do with anything, just thought you would really really be very very regretful in knowing that :-)

    1. If its a bicycle then do we need a carnet?

    2. ... Regretful knowing what? I'm missing something...

      I was going on what they were classing 'motorcycles' by there cc for when I did my test. I couldn't do it on a c90... too many cc's to be a moped, not enough to be a motorcycle.

      And yes, no Carnet so far anyway... I've managed to blag my way through borders saying that its impossible to get a Carnet for my bike because its under £1000. But I may start pulling out my tax disk from now on!

  3. Liam might it be best to get a passport and copy (2nd passport) sent?

  4. Hey Liam, I once had my passport stollen in Malawi and I was flying out later that week. I managed to get one through the Canadian Embassy in Zambia. All paper work was done using DHL courier. I managed to get my new passport sent to the airport in Lilongwe and it arrived on the day I was flying out. This was the most efficient I ever seen anything done in Africa. Good luck with your passport, it's amazing how important that little book is.
