Sunday 29 January 2017

Boating with the bikes down the Nam Ou River

Upon arriving in Laos we had been riding in torrential rain for three days, and our 'welcoming' first night in a Chinese hotel was rather a let down i.e. damp, drabby, expensive, lacking food and a little rude. So when we (myself only) actually managed to find a cash machine that worked we found a nice little place overlooking a river, and after a few beers later we decided to take a boat to the next town rather than riding the two day journey there it would have otherwise taken.

Bridges and wooden backpacks 

Beers and decisions.

There was so much commotion getting the bikes onto the cramped boat that I didn't have chance to take a photo, but three motorcycles and around nine people on a boat that resembled a dug out canoe with a roof and you get the idea. 

Stunning views of the limestone mountains!

Laos has been a bit of a challenge compared to Vietnam, but I'm staying put for a few days now whilst I sort out some logistics for getting into Thailand with the bike, so some more updates will follow soon.

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