Saturday, 18 March 2017

Last miles and all the last random things that come with it.

I'm only around 50 miles away from Ho Chi Minh City. I could have made it there today, but I wanted one last stop, to savour the random chances that travelling on a motorcycle brings, just for one last time. That random little town, the random hotel, and that last chance to see a beautiful sunset over somewhere I'll probably never be again.
 I'm in the Mekong Delta region now; a place where the Mekong river disperses into tiny estuaries before its last flow into the South China Sea. It has been a nice ride now that I'm back in Vietnam (I'll write up a full story of crossing the border when I'm less tired in Saigon, as it's pretty funny) despite the fact that there's literally ten times the amount of people here than Laos and Cambodia, which makes for busy and noisy roads. No more cruising down empty roads with music playing in my ears... Still, all the views of getting over these bodies of water are worth it. Whether that be by bridges or by boats, it's still fun.
 Tomorrow I will be at my final destination of this trip - the place where I started. I'm feeling very reflective about the past four and a half months. They have been great. And so have the people I've met. It's a strange feeling that someone else is going to be riding my bike once I sell it - I am quite attached to it, it's been good to me. But I suppose someone else has had these feelings about that bike before it came into my hands. Everything ends, and then begins again.

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