Friday 13 December 2013


I should leave Nouadhibou tomorrow and make my way to Mauritanias capital, Nouakchott for Monday all been well. I'm trying not to worry myself about all the horror stories about bandits and terrorists on the road ahead that a lot of people have warned me about. I don't feel that anything bad is going to happen!
 Last night turned into a good birthday... when I left the cafe I thought I was just going to go back to the campsite, have a shower and go to bed. Two Dutch guys turned up however, and when they found out it was my birthday they produced a barrel of wine. Red wine too! Met two French travellers also and were planning to team up to cross the border into Senegal together. Its been a good few days. Nice people.

1 comment :

  1. Glad your birthday went well (Honest, non wind up head) . It wasn't my fault, your Dad told me about your dry day and ....and ...I couldn't help myself.......Today I put an amazing piece of art on my wall and it looks wonderful ..................The artist ......Liam Parkin
